For I am the LORD, your God, who takes hold of your right hand and says to you, Do not fear; I will help you. Isaiah 41:13
Even though they have minimal insurance, savings or family, they have relied on God, their church (Good Shepherd – Fremont), Pastor Ryan Ankersen, and concerned neighbors and friends to help them through this difficult time. They have been moving between friends and living in their car. As property managers, they are required to reside on the park grounds. Tom Grunow has been working with this couple who just received a donated new trailer. They still need furnishings, other living necessities and tools that they use to care for the park property. The estimated costs to help this couple is $6,000. The couple said that Easter service this year was really different, in a special way. They're thankful they have each other, they're thankful for others in their congregation and community reaching out to help, they're thankful to the Christ Lincoln LERT team who is assisting them, and they're thankful to have a new future together in the name of Christ as their Lord and protector. If you are so moved, please donate generously to help the wife during her recovery, re-establish their residence, and be able to resume their duties as the park property managers.
With support from the neighboring Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod (LCMS) congregations of Redeemer, Messiah, and Hope Community, Christ Lincoln organized sessions in packing over 600 Christian Flood / Hygiene Buckets and over 2,000 school supply packets for distribution. They encourage each church member to take a few and hand them out as they bring the love of Christ to hurting neighbors. The 3rd grade class of Christ Schools completed over 100 buckets in record time of 19 minutes! Trinity – Fremont, Nebraska with Pastor Anthony Gerber has members mucking and gutting homes, and providing basic needs and rental assistance to families they served while in the shelter at their church. Good Shepherd – Fremont, Nebraska with Pastor Ryan Ankersen is preparing for their church to become a long term housing facility for displaced families who are unable to live in their damaged homes or whose homes have been completely destroyed by the floods. Families in Pacific Junction, Iowa (West) were able to return to their homes on Monday after Easter for the first time in four weeks, as the water has just receded. These families are just beginning their long recovery journey. Trinity – Glenwood, Iowa, has been feeding 120-150 people three meals a day since the flooding began and plans to continue as needed. Please continue to pray for the affected Nebraska communities and the churches who serve them faithfully. Donate generously to help LCC continue supporting the individuals and families through our churches during their long recovery. Working Together, Serving Christ, so we can serve others IN HIS NAME! Peace in Jesus Christ, Tim Hetzner
President/CEO Lutheran Church Charities Comments are closed.
February 2025