Put Your Hands Together Food Pantry Distributes a Record Amount of Food During Pre-Thanksgiving Food Distribution ![]() On Friday, November 20, Put Your Hands Together (PYHT) distributed 40 pallets of food with a retail value of $82,800! The pre-Thanksgiving food distribution has surpassed the pantry's previous record from two weeks ago. Among the community agencies and ministries participating in the food distribution were the following LCC Ministry partners:
A special thank you to the volunteers from Immanuel Lutheran Church in Hillside, Illinois, the local Knights of Columbus and LCC volunteers who pulled the orders and had them ready to be loaded when the ministry partners arrived. Your hard work and dedication helped our ministry partners to touch the lives of people who are hurting and hungry. Thank you for making a difference! Put Your Hands Together (PYHT) is a Food Distribution Ministry started by Immanuel Lutheran Church in Hillside, Illinois, to assist Community Service Organizations and Ministry Partners. CLICK HERE to learn more about PYHT.
Earlier this year Immanuel, Hillside, Illinois, began a new ministry called Put Your Hands Together Food Pantry. The mission is two-fold: to provide food for local families in need and to provide free food to congregations who have outreach ministries that serve their communities with food for people in need. Many of our congregations have outreach ministries that provide food for people in need but cannot afford to buy food from the Illinois Food Bank or the Greater Chicago Food Depository. In this new ministry, Immanuel as a distributor for an airlines warehouse supplied free food to the following congregations to give away.
We thank God for this and many other ministries of His Church that bring the Mercy, Compassion, and Proclamation of Jesus Christ amidst the darkness and hopelessness of our culture and the COVID virus.
Lutheran Church Charities is making available food equipment to Lutheran Church Missouri Synod (LCMS) Northern Illinois District churches. All of this equipment can be used by ministry teams as an outreach opportunity for your community. LCC Mobile Food Kitchen The LCC Mobile Food Kitchen is available to schedule for ministry outreach opportunities by having an LCC volunteer team prepare, cook and serve a meal. It could include hosting a picnic after an outdoor worship service. If this is something your church would be interested in hosting, please complete the LCC Mobile Food Kitchen Outreach Form and we will contact you with further details. ![]() LCC Hot Dog Cart The LCC Hot Dog Cart is a good addition to any church outreach ministry event. Once scheduled, church ministry teams need to make arrangements to pick-up and return the LCC Hot Dog Cart from the LCC storage location. If your church would be interested in using this item, please complete the LCC Hot Dog Cart Form and we will contact you with further details. ![]() LCC Commercial Grill The LCC Commercial Grill can be used for any church outreach ministry event. Once scheduled, church ministry teams need to make arrangements to pick-up and return the LCC Commercial Grill from the LCC storage location. If your church would be interested in using this item, please complete the LCC Commercial Grill Form and we will contact you with further details. We would love to hear your ideas on how your ministry teams can utilize LCC Food Equipment for outreach ministry to spread the mercy, compassion, presence and proclamation of Jesus Christ to your neighbors.
Current outreach opportunities for congregations MOOOVE THE MILK
If you would like to schedule a presentation of "Three Days and Three Nights: How Can That Be?" call 866-455-6466 or email [email protected].
![]() On Wednesday, April 24, LCC President / CEO Tim Hetzner and staff welcomed individuals who came to learn more about the various LCC Ministries and ways they can volunteer their time and talents. Attendees also had an opportunity to visit each ministry area to ask questions and share ideas on ways they can make a difference serving others. It’s Never Too Late! Learn more about the ways in which you can become involved in a ministry with a mission of Mercy, Compassion, Presence and Proclamation of Jesus Christ to those who are suffering and in need.
If you were unable to attend but want more information, contact Dianna Bonfield at Lutheran Church Charities 866-455-6466 or email [email protected]
February 2025