Helping Thirty-Seven Homeowners Begin Recovery from Extensive Tornado Damage
The LCC LERT volunteers who traveled to Taylorsville include: Northern Illinois District Cross Lutheran – Yorkville: Derek Kowalczyk Good Shepherd – Elgin: David Vollrath, Mark Handrock Immanuel – Belvidere: Mike Buhl, Wes Johnson, Christine Kolk, Karen Salgado, Galen & Suzan Sollie Lord of Life – LaFox: Terry & Mary Kramer, Ken Johnston, Kevin Krage, Matt Byars, Nick Krywaruczenko, Chris Lewis, Dave Smercina, Rick Mathieu St. John – Wheaton: Steve Chester, Marty Johnson, Anna Piro, Jan Gerveske, Tom Prickette, Dave Mummah, Rich Wren, Palmer Goodwin St. Matthew – Hawthorn Woods: Rob & Jen Fosness St. Peter – Hampshire: Bob Warfel, Mike Hemme, Pete & Christel Springmire St. Peter – Schaumburg: Ken & Vicki Kiviranta, Tom Amundsen, Sarah Blanchard, Trinity – Lisle: Don & Cyndi Totter, Robert Ternand Trinity – Roselle: David Vance Trinity – Tinley Park: Joel Powless
LCC K-9 Ministry teams also deployed to Taylorville, Illinois, as the community starts to sort out their belongings from the debris. Recently placed LCC K-9 Comfort Dog Rachel (Immanuel – Charleston, Illinois) and her team, along with Bethany (Trinity – Danville, Illinois), Dinah (Trinity – Auburn, Illinois), Barnabas and Isaiah (Trinity – Hobart, Indiana), and Comfort Dog in Training Darius visited the MARC as well as visiting people throughout the community.
Please pray for the residents in Taylorville and all of the many volunteers who are helping them recover. This community is strong and has seen how the mercy, compassion, and presence of others in their time of need are making a difference.
February 2025