LCC Donation Policy
Thank you for your interest in and support of Lutheran Church Charities! We hope this information will be helpful to you as you prayerfully consider your gifts to our ministry to support our mission to Share the Mercy, Compassion, Presence and Proclamation of Jesus Christ to those who are suffering and in need.
There are a variety of ways to contribute financially to the mission and ministry of Lutheran Church Charities.
There are a variety of ways to contribute financially to the mission and ministry of Lutheran Church Charities.
Direct Gifts
Direct gifts, which allow your donation to benefit Lutheran Church Charities immediately, include:
Honorary and Memorial Gifts
Honorary gifts are given in recognition of individuals or anniversaries or other special events. Memorial gifts are given to support the special ministries and commemorate the life accomplishments of individuals who have passed away.
You may give a gift in honor/memory of someone special online or by sending it to our offices. Simply state of whom you would like to give the gift in honor/memory. If you would like the person honored or the family of the deceased remembered to receive an acknowledgment, please include their contact information and we will send an acknowledgment. Memorial and honorary gifts can be designated for a specific ministry or project or can be undesignated. They may also be set up as named endowments for ministry purposes. For more information on named endowments please contact Rev. Chris Singer, President/CEO of LCC at 866-455-6466. |
Matching Gifts
A corporate matching gift program can multiply the value of a gift to Lutheran Church Charities. These programs allow employees to direct their employer's charitable giving to the benefit of LCC. The human resources or employee benefits office will know if the company will match gifts. Donors may also qualify for a matching gift program from their former employer, their spouse's current or former employer or the company on whose board they serve.
Appreciated Securities
Gifts of appreciated stock, mutual funds or other securities are a quick, easy way to support Lutheran Church Charities. The donation of stock which has been held for more than one year may qualify for a deduction of the stock's entire market value with no capital gains taxes due. It is LCC’s policy to sell appreciated securities upon receipt. If there are any legal restrictions on sale, LCC will consult with appropriate legal counsel before accepting the gift.
For more information, please contact Rev. Chris Singer, President/CEO of LCC at 866-455-6466. |
Real Estate
Gifts of appreciated real estate, such as undeveloped land, farms, or personal residences may be transferred by deed to Lutheran Church Charities. Before accepting a gift of real estate, LCC will determine if it is readily marketable and will not expose LCC to significant liabilities.
For more information, please contact Rev. Chris Singer, President/CEO of LCC at 866-455-6466. |
Tangible Personal Property
Tangible personal property includes assets that can be touched or moved, e.g., jewelry, rare coins, stamps, etc. A gift of tangible personal property to Lutheran Church Charities can generate a charitable tax deduction; however, there are IRS regulations regarding the deduction.
The property must be put to a use related to Lutheran Church Charities mission to qualify the full market value of the asset as a charitable deduction. Otherwise the deduction is limited to the cost of the asset. For more information, please contact Rev. Chris Singer, President/CEO of LCC at 866-455-6466. |