LCC President/CEO Tim Hetzner heads to Texas to bring your assistance and do assessments Hurricane Harvey Intensified to a Category 4 prior to Slamming Rockport, Texas 233,000 homes on Texas Coast at risk from widespread devastation including tornadoes, torrential downpours, and days of catastrophic flooding Southeastern Texas is still experiencing horrific results from Hurricane Harvey which crashed into the Rockport, Texas area with over 130 mph winds on Friday, August 25 around 11pm ET. Flash floods with storm surges of up to 3 feet of rain were reported. More than 211,000 consumers are reported without power along the Gulf Coast. Isolated areas anticipated to receive up to 40 inches of rain. Forecasters have measured 28-foot-high waves near the eye of the storm when it hit.
I have been in contact with LCC contacts in Texas, including Rev. Steve Misch, DR Coordinator, retired DR Coordinator, Dr. Lou Jander, LCMS DR Response and official FEMA and county reports regarding damages. Because this storm is stalling now over Texas, flooding will be significant. There are also multiple tornadoes spawning on the perimeter of the hurricane that combined with wind and storm surge in other areas that will also cause significant downed trees and building damage. It seems that no one will have access to the affected areas around the state until at least Wednesday or Thursday next week, after the rain subsides. One of LCC's partners in Response to Hurricane Harvey is Lutheran RV'ers - CarePartners in Disasters Dr. Lou Jander is a fellow Disaster Response Director for the Texas District and fellow Ministry Colleague of Tim Hetzner. Dr. Jander and his wife Martha will be going to South Texas to do CarePartner Ministry following the arrival of Hurricane Harvey. While the details of where they will set up isn't complete with all the rain and flooding that is still happening, they will be giving out resources, words of hope and comfort, prayers, encouragement, and assistance as survivors seek to deal with the aftermath of a major disaster. All of the 120 churches in that district have been affected. If you would like to financially support this on the ground ministry to people with the Mercy and Compassion of Jesus Christ, you can donate by CLICKING HERE Comments are closed.
February 2025