LCC K-9 Comfort Dog Ministry and Hearts of Mercy & Compassion Ministry Deliver 32 Mercy Hearts to Healthcare Workers “We give thanks to God always for all of you, constantly mentioning you in our prayers.” 1 Thessalonians 1:2 During the unprecedented coronavirus pandemic, we have witnessed the incredible efforts of nurses, doctors, and all front-line hospital staff heroes enduring long hours, tremendous stress, and selfless dedication to caring for their patients. Since April 2020, LCC K-9 Ministry teams have been thanking and comforting nurses during all shifts who are working in COVID units through LCC K-9 Comfort Dog Ministry® Virtual Visits. Bringing Comfort & Love to Nurses at HCA Houston Healthcare Clear Lake LCC K-9 Comfort Dog Ministry and Hearts of Mercy & Compassion Ministry In January, Lutheran Church Charities (LCC) received an invite from HCA Houston Healthcare Clear Lake in Webster, Texas, for LCC K-9 Comfort Dog Joy to participate in their Heart Health Awareness Month promotion. Joy Comfort Dog and her handlers from Gloria Dei Lutheran Church in Houston, Texas, have been making outdoor visits to the hospital campus during the pandemic to provide love and comfort to nurses during shift changes. The hospital wanted to include Joy and her team in this nationally recognized month of heart disease awareness. Partnering with Joy Comfort Dog’s ministry team at Gloria Dei, LCC sent thirty-two Mercy Hearts through the LCC Hearts of Mercy & Compassion Ministry to present to nurses to recognize their excellent and continuous care they provide to patients. On Thursday, January 28, two large Mercy Hearts signed by Joy, her handlers, and Gloria Dei staff were presented to nurses as part of the photo op promotion for HCA Houston Healthcare Clear Lake’s Wear Red for Heart Disease Awareness campaign “We have Joy in our Hearts.” These will be displayed at the two hospital chapels. On Sunday, February 7, Gloria Dei members rallied around the task of signing thirty Mercy Hearts with heartfelt messages of encouragement and appreciation for the compassion and sacrifice of these dedicated health care professionals. On Monday, February 8, thirty Mercy Hearts were presented by Joy Comfort Dog and her handlers to Todd Caliva, CEO of HCA Houston Healthcare Clear Lake, the chief administrative team, and nurses. These hearts will be displayed at each nurse station as a daily presence reminding them that they are loved, appreciated, and lifted in prayer by caring Christians, especially during these difficult times. ![]() “Thank you for the hearts!! We are so blessed to have Joy and team as part of our team at HCA Houston Healthcare Clear Lake!” – Sherry Camacho, Chief Nursing Officer, HCA Houston Healthcare Clear Lake “We are blessed!” – Lisa Welty, HCA Houston Healthcare "We appreciate you more than you will ever know! To hear a physician say how Joy helps her stress and nurses say it just fills my spirit. ❤ Thank you!” – Nursing Director “Thanks for everything y’all do for us!” – Sonia Irby, HCA Houston Healthcare The Mercy Hearts and hugs from Joy Comfort Dog were extra special for the hearts they touched that day. The LCC K-9 Ministry and Hearts of Mercy & Compassion are blessed that we can continue to serve those who take care of others!
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February 2025