LCC LERT Teams Respond to 90 mph Straight Line Wind Storm in Watseka, Illinois Within 24 hours, Lutheran Church Charities had boots on the ground early Friday, May 24, with staff and volunteers to begin damage assessments to provide chainsaw and heavy equipment assistance over Memorial Day weekend. On Saturday, May 25, 40 Northern Illinois District (NID) and 8 Central Illinois District (CID) LERT team members worked together to clear trees and debris from 19 homes. On Sunday, May 26, 11 NID LERT team members, along with Denney Smith from Calvary, completed boom lift and chainsaw work that was begun on Saturday.
Helping a Widow with Extensive Damage to Large Farm
As she watched the teams work on her property, she was so happy and in awe of everything that was done in two days with LERT volunteers. All received hugs and many thanks for helping restore her home, giving her hope as she continues to wait for insurance for other work to be done. Cleanup After Devastating Storm Kathy O’Day, LCC Director of Disaster Response (Saturday, May 25, 2019 – WCIA / Miranda Meister) LCC K-9 Comfort Dog Mahlah’s Groomer Happy to Receive Help
LCC never charges those we serve and will never profit from our service as Christians. We have established a fund to help offset equipment and operating expenses for our volunteers and purchase equipment as needed.
Please consider a donation to the Lutheran Church Charities Disaster Response Equipment Maintenance & Fuel Expense Fund so that our LERT disaster response teams may continue to show the mercy, compassion, presence and proclamation of Jesus Christ to those suffering and in need. Comments are closed.
February 2025