LCC Helps Victims, Elderly, and First Responders Affected by the Northern California Fires7/31/2018
Dear Ministry Friends and Partners, God will carry you through the Fire! We just finished our 2018 LCC National K-9 Conference Friday night. During the conference we were communicating several times a day with our connections in California about the fires. Each day we were getting word on how rapidly the fires were spreading, and how many people had been evacuated and were in shelters. Many of the people in the shelters have lost their homes and most of their possessions. With the generosity of our donors, Lutheran Church Charities will work closely with our churches, Trinity Lutheran, Redding and First Lutheran, Yuba City, to help relocate the victims, especially displaced elderly, who have been directly affected by the fires. Here are the facts:
This year's conference theme was "With Me on the Road" - going where Jesus leads. So we are preparing to go on the road. Our Mission is to Share the Mercy, Compassion, Presence, and Proclamation of Jesus Christ to those who are suffering and in need, so we are deploying in shifts to serve those suffering from the devastating effects of this fire. On Sunday, July 29, LCC K-9 Comfort Dog Reuben (First Lutheran – Yuba City, California) began visiting first responders to thank them for their dedication and tireless service, including the Cal Fire Command Center and the National Guard soldiers. LCC K-9 Comfort Dogs Aaron (St. John’s – Napa, California), Eddie (Peace Lutheran – Grand Island, Nebraska), Moses (Christ Lutheran – Cairo, Nebraska), and Priscilla (Trinity Lutheran – Lincoln, Nebraska) are on their way to join Reuben Comfort Dog’s team. Plans are to continue to visit first responders and affected families who have been relocated to shelters. Please keep everyone who has been affected by the fires in your prayers as well as all the first responders who put their own lives in jeopardy to serve their communities. Please also pray for the LCC K-9 Comfort Dog teams as they begin deploying. We have some Comfort Dogs already on the ground serving as I write this. God ALWAYS provides, caring for His people in the midst of tragedy - and He will this time as well. Thank you for all of your support in touching lives with the Presence of Jesus Christ - our only hope! Peace in Jesus Christ, Tim Hetzner
President/CEO Lutheran Church Charities Comments are closed.
February 2025