Financial Assistance Still Needed to Help Families Affected by Chattanooga, Tennessee Tornado4/21/2020
Good Shepherd Lutheran Church with Pastor Harry Sheets and First Lutheran with Pastor Joshua Woodrow in Chattanooga, and First Lutheran with Pastor Robert Seaton in Cleveland have reported that their churches sustained minor damage. Both pastors in Chattanooga have minor damage to their homes compared to others in their neighborhood with destroyed homes. Two congregation member families have totally lost their homes and vehicles. Many other congregation families have sustained major and minor damage, lost vehicles and are displaced from their homes. Power still has not been restored to all areas. The Chattanooga Times Free Press reports that in Southeast Tennessee there are more than 6,200 homes and commercial buildings damaged or destroyed and 1,300 cars in need of repair, according to initial insurance claims filed. Because of COVID-19 shelter in place national mandates, Lutheran Church Charities cannot send chainsaw teams to respond at this time, as we have recently before in this district. But, we are being asked if our donors can continue to provide financial assistance so that the Mid-South District and these three churches can help many families move forward in their recovery process as they await insurance and FEMA assistance. This is a very difficult time and these local LCMS churches are standing with their members and community to provide that beacon of hope and a helping hand as they are able. LCC never goes where we are not invited and we NEVER charge those we serve. Please prayerfully consider a donation to the LCC Disaster Response Fund so that we may continue to show the mercy, compassion, presence and proclamation of Jesus Christ to those suffering and in need. Please pray for those affected by the many tornadoes that have occurred and for the safety of all of our LCMS churches, first responders and local volunteers serving all devastated communities.
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February 2025