The ministries of Lutheran Church Charities are followed by local, national and international media, specifically in the areas of LCC K-9 Ministries, Disaster Response and Crisis Response. To read more about how LCC shares the mercy, compassion, presence and proclamation of Jesus Christ to the communities we serve, follow us In The News.
LCC K-9 Comfort Dogs Give Love and Comfort
to Those Affected by Mass Shooting in El Paso, Texas aUGUST 7, 2019 - INSIDE EDITION Following an invitation to respond to a mass shooting in El Paso, Texas on Saturday, August 3, Lutheran Church Charities K-9 Comfort Dog Ministry deployment teams brought comfort to devastated individuals, families, and the first responders who serve their community. |
2018-03-20 - LCC President/CEO Tim Hetzner and Director of K-9 Ministries RIch Martin Interview - Hallmark Channel
On Tuesday, March 20, 2018 Tim Hetzner, LCC President/CEO with LCC K-9 Comfort Dog Jacob and Rich Martin, LCC K-9 Deployments Director with LCC K-9 Comfort Dog Ruthie were featured on the Hallmark Channel Home & Family show. |
2017-10-25- Comfort Dogs Heal Las Vegas Shooting Victims - NBC Left Field
How does a community begin to heal in the aftermath of a mass shooting? On October 2nd, a day after a man opened fire on the Route 91 music festival, killing 58 and wounding hundreds, the LCC K-9 Comfort Dogs ministry deployed to Las Vegas. |
2017-09-01- Comfort dogs leave Illinois, bound for Texas- WGN
NORTHBROOK, Ill. -- Not all aid to the Texas flood victims is financial or physical; as emotions run high following the devastations, some of it is also very personal. Several "comfort dogs" are on their way from Northbrook to Houston to provide emotional support for flood victims. Lutheran Church Charities began its comfort dog program after Hurricane Katrina in Louisiana and now has about 100 dogs nationwide. The dogs from Northbrook will be flown to Texas by a volunteer pilot; some will be sent to a shelter for flood victims; others will spend time with emergency responders. Luther Church Charities says the emotional support a comfort dog provides can be a significant part of the healing process. |
2016-11-16- 'More good in the world than bad': Sandy Hook family honors comfort dog Ruthie- Laura T. Coffey/Today
Catherine Violet Hubbard adored dogs and cats, bunnies and horses, sheep and goats — but she wasn’t partial to furry creatures. She studied baby birds in their nests. She gasped with joy when butterflies landed on her hand. On beach getaways with her family, she kissed the crabs and fish she caught before setting them free... Visit Today.com to read the rest of the article |
2016-07-21- Loudon comfort dog shares Lutheran Church ministry with Baton Rouge and Orlando communities- Amy McRary/Knoxville News Sentinel
A Loudon County golden retriever is taking her calm canine comfort to parts of America affected by violence. She's even been known to lick away tears. Three-year-old Jewel is a trained comfort dog owned by Christ Our Savior Lutheran Church in Loudon. The slender, cream-colored dog is one of 130 canines in the national Lutheran Church Charities K-9 Comfort Dog Ministry... Visit Knox News to read the rest of the article |
2016-07-17 Comfort dogs head to Dallas to provide support in time of tragedy- Julie Fancher/Dallas Morning News
Six golden retrievers, all trained comfort dogs, are headed to Dallas today to provide help for a grieving city. The animals are part of the Lutheran Church Charities K-9 comfort team and are based in Northbrook, Ill... Visit Dallas Morning News to read the rest of the article |
2016-06-16- In a Shaken Orlando, Comfort Dogs Arrive With ‘Unconditional Love’- JONAH ENGEL BROMWICH/The New York Times
On the Monday following the Orlando massacre, 12 golden retrievers arrived in the Florida city. They had come to offer comfort to some of the victims of the attack, the families of those killed and the emergency medical workers, as well as anyone else in the city in need of some canine affection after the deadliest shooting in American history... Visit The New York Times to read the entire article |
2015-10-07- Comfort dogs helping at UCC: “You can really see the transfer of emotion”- FOX 12 OREGON - ROSEBURG OREGON
ROSEBURG, OR (KPTV) - As messages of support come in to Roseburg from all over the country in the wake of the deadly shooting at Umpqua Community College, there’s one group in particular helping not only on two legs but on four. |
2014-02-21- Wags "N" Tales- COMCAST Video Productions & Services
This production by COMCAST Video Productions & Services in Seymour, Connecticut features LCC K-9 Comfort Dog Maggie, who is placed at Christ the King Lutheran Church in Newtown, Connecticut, and LCC K-9 Comfort Dog Addie, who is placed Immanuel Lutheran Church in Danbury, Connecticut. Wags "N" Tales was written and produced by Ken Fay, who was an LCC trained handler for Maggie Comfort Dog. Uploaded with permission from COMCAST Video Productions & Services, Seymour, Connecticut. |
2012-12-16-Newtown, Connecticut- CNN
CNN's Don Lemon Reports on the LCC K-9 Comfort Dogs in Newtown, Connecticut |
2012-03-03- ABC 7 Chicago Visits LCC Office for Disaster Response Interview with Tim Hetzner- ABC 7 News
ABC 7 television reporter Stacey Baca brought a news crew to the LCC office in Addison on Thursday evening, March 1, as President Tim Hetzner made preparations to leave for Southern Illinois to assess tornado damage there (see our full story on the latest tornadoes). Stacey interviewed Tim last year following the disaster in Joplin, Missouri and called to ask about the LCC response to these latest tornadoes. Tim talked about our process for responding to disasters, as well as the work we do with the K-9 Comfort Dogs. |