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lcc k-9 comfort dog
lcc k-9 comfort dog
a comforting message from LCC President Rev. Chris Singer
What are Hearts of MErcy & Compassion?
Hearts of Mercy & Compassion (HMC) provides a physical and spiritual symbol through the giving of hearts and crosses to families and friends who have suffered a loss or are experiencing the illness of a loved one. An HMC can also be given to celebrate a victory, honor service, as an expression of love, or to be an encouragement in the face of adversity. Given as a gift, each HMC provides the love and hope of Jesus through presence and prayer.
As we journey together, we can share in each other’s sorrows and celebrations. The heart itself is universal and conveys love. The color blue is the color of hope and the fish a symbol of God’s saving grace. Upon request, Lutheran Church Charities, working through churches, can provide an HMC at no charge.
As we journey together, we can share in each other’s sorrows and celebrations. The heart itself is universal and conveys love. The color blue is the color of hope and the fish a symbol of God’s saving grace. Upon request, Lutheran Church Charities, working through churches, can provide an HMC at no charge.
Coloring Pages
Activity Pages

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