Six Lutheran Church Charities K-9 Comfort Dog Teams from three states, plus LCC Care Teams from Illinois, will deploy Friday to Southern California to offer compassionate care and support for Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod (LCMS) congregations impacted by the devastating fires ravaging Los Angeles County. LCC teams will lead two Community Care events on Saturday at First Lutheran Church in Venice, CA, and Pilgrim Lutheran Church in Santa Monica, CA. LCC K-9 Comfort Dog teams from California, Nevada, and Washington will be on hand to listen to congregation members and area residents, pray with them, and offer pets and cuddles with the golden retrievers. These events are designed to bring hurting community members together to process the physical, emotional, and spiritual journey of a disaster, to be vulnerable in the presence of others, and, ultimately, to experience a taste of the hope found only in Jesus. The need is great. About 20 families from Pacifica Christian High School, which conducts classes from Pilgrim’s campus, have lost their homes. Pilgrim also has welcomed members of Pacific Palisades Lutheran Church and is conducting joint worship services together. “The devastation from these tragic and truly unprecedented fires is widespread and stunning, and it will require a multifaceted response by our entire LCC team,” said LCC President/CEO Rev. Chris Singer. “We are blessed to be partnering with our churches on the West Coast. Our first step will be to care for the hurting with a ministry of presence, administering and training with Spiritual First Aid™ and providing that golden comfort of our K-9 teams." On Sunday after worship, LCC Care teams will lead Spiritual First Aid™ Rapid Training workshops at First Lutheran Venice, CA, and St. John’s Lutheran Church in Orange, CA, plus two more sessions at the Pacific Southwest District office in Irvine on Monday and Tuesday. After training, LCC Disaster Response and Care teams will assist congregation members in engaging their communities with basic needs and the love of Christ. “Please pray today for the families and individuals who have been impacted — so many have evacuated and are anxious about their loved ones and homes," Rev. Singer said. "Pray also for open doors as LCC meets together with Synod, District, and Church leaders to encourage, collaborate, and mobilize faith into action. Your earnest prayers and kindhearted support are greatly appreciated."
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February 2025