Delivery During the Storm - Hope and Help in Crisis
Appreciation for "All the Servant Hearts" Pastor Jonathan Christensen of Mt. Pisgah Lutheran Hendersonville expressed thanks and praise for all the servant hearts that have so willingly worked and blessed residents in the community and surrounding areas. “We have sincerely appreciated all the hospitality shown and meals prepared for us by this congregation," said Deaconess Kathy O’Day, LCC Director of Disaster Response, who led the deployment with Jamie Miller, LCC Disaster Response Equipment Manager. To share the LCC volunteers’ appreciation, Matt Flynn, Team Leader of the Immanuel Dundee, IL, crew presented Pastor Christensen with a plaque created to thank the congregation for the ongoing support. Pastor Eric Hollar of Bethel Lutheran Claremont, N.C., and Interim Director of Shepherd’s Heart Ministry, a disaster response non-profit, posted a message last week on LCC Disaster Response’s Facebook page. He shared, “I have been able to focus more on my pastoral duties at my congregation, due in LARGE part to the ‘partnership in the Gospel’ with LCC. We are so appreciative of their support in the response in Hendersonville.” The message was a reminder that Lutheran Church Charities welcomes opportunities to partner with churches and Recognized Service Organizations (RSO) in sharing the mercy, compassion, presence, and proclamation of Jesus Christ to those in need LCC Thank-Yous Lutheran Church Charities and Mt. Pisgah Lutheran Hendersonville extend a huge thanks to Kelli Francis from Fuel Relief Fund and Jim Norton from Suncoast Fuel for their generous donation of 500 gallons of diesel to use during LCC Disaster Response’s deployment. “What a savings and blessing it was and continues to be in keeping equipment and trucks full for serving those in need,” O’Day said. LCC Disaster Response gives special appreciation to Lutheran Servants for Christ which loaned its tractor to LCC LERT volunteers last week. Lutheran Church Charities also thanks the following LERT volunteers and their churches from multiple LCMS districts for serving together with LCC Disaster Response during the three-week deployment: Northern Illinois District Christ Our Savior, Dixon – Joy Holden Christ the Rock, Rockford – Matt & Carol Robert Good Shepherd, Frankfort – Joel Powless Heartland, Normal – Tony Buchberger Immanuel, Crystal Lake – Jeff Dykstra Immanuel, DeKalb – Pete & Christel Springmire Immanuel, Dundee – Bill Conforti, Matt Flynn, Terry & Denise Fuelling, Al Navarro Immanuel, Shobonier – Fran Collier Lord of Life, Elburn – Terry & Mary Kramer, Vince Miller, Larry Zagorski Prince of Peace, Palatine – Jim Beckley St. John, Wheaton – Steve Chester, Marty Johnson, Marty Starck, Dave Schlesselman, Rich Wren St. John, Union – Laurie Mathisen, Rick Miller, Nick Miletta St. John, Wilmette – Tom Morrison St. Paul, Rockford – Dean and Carol Ulrich Trinity, Lisle – Ed Schwartz, Ken Scott Trinity, Roselle – Kristin Bilar Zion, Ottawa – Dave & Cindy Reif Indiana District St. John, Dillsboro – Steve Black Christ, Valparaiso – Milan Coburn Iowa District Trinity, Davenport – Ken Stotmeister Missouri District New Beginnings, Pacific – Glenn Stellhorn South Wisconsin District Brookfield Lutheran, Brookfield – Laura Ciletti Prince of Peace, Menomonee Falls – Roger Kautz St. Paul, Grafton – Mark and Bev Brueggemann, Stu Natale, Kaye Voss Southeastern District Mt. Pisgah, Hendersonville, North Carolina Pastor Jonathan Christiansen, David Maloney, David and Wendy White “We leave behind new friends, memories, hope, and prayers for our brothers and sisters in Christ as they continue their recovery process,” O’Day said. “It has truly been a blessing to serve!”
READ MORE stories of homeowners who have been helped by LCC LERT teams on the LCC HURRICANE RESPONSE page. Comments are closed.
December 2024