Last Wednesday, the Strasburg-Stewardson, Illinois, community faced a heartbreaking tragedy involving the loss of three young lives in a devastating UTV accident. Our hearts ache for the families and friends of Edie Whittenberg, Karly Wetherell, and Sienna Bostedo during this incredibly difficult time. All three girls were members at local Lutheran churches and poised to start high school in the fall. A group of school superintendents and principals, along with LCC staff, helped set up the Crosses and Hearts in memory of the three girls. Rev. Whybrew of St. Paul’s Lutheran Church in Strasburg extended an invitation to the LCC K-9 Comfort Dog Ministry to join in offering comfort and solace to those affected by this tragedy. The vigil held at Stewardson-Strasburg High School last Thursday provided a space for students, staff, and community members to lean on each other for support. We are deeply grateful to the group of school superintendents, principals, and LCC staff who helped set up the Crosses and Hearts in memory of the three girls. This display serves as a poignant reminder of the lives lost and the love they shared with those around them. Over 1,000 people attended the vigil , filling the gym with a shared, reflective mood. Pastor Weaver had baptized and confirmed one of the girls and Rev. Whybrew, similarly, had confirmed two more recently. They offered prayers and scripture readings amidst the grief. The vigil focused on scriptures about eternal rest and faith in Jesus, reflecting the community's strong Lutheran beliefs. Despite the sadness, there were moments of solace and even smiles among the grieving families, supported by friends and families. One of the local teachers spoke of survivor guilt as her children were with her, safely. She emphasized how everyone is united in faith, emphasizing their reliance on God, and His promises, to cope. The vigil highlighted the community's resilience, unity, and unwavering faith as they mourned their loss together. Rev. Whybrew knew Edie and Karly as these young girls and their families are part of St Paul’s church family. This has been an emotional time for his congregation and him as well. Sienna and her family are members at Trinity Lutheran Church in Stewardson. The truck driver, who survived, and his family are members at Grace Lutheran Church in Strasburg where Rev. Whybrew is also their pastor. LCC K-9 Comfort Dogs Esther and Jordan from Holy Cross Lutheran Church, Collinsville, traveled immediately to be there for the hurting communities of Strasburg-Stewardson. They spent time with those who knew and loved Edie, Karly, and Sienna, surrounding them in love, comfort and protectiveness as the dealt with the shock of this unthinkable loss. The teams for Esther and Jordan returned to Strasburg-Stewardson on Tuesday, July 16, for the visitation held for Edie Whittenberg, Karly Wetherell and Sienna Bostedo. Edie was a driven, determined, ambitious soul with a contagious smile that lit up a room. She radiated a pure love for life, Jesus, family, and her friends. When you think of Karly, remember her smile, her love for Christ, her laugh, her long thick hair that got frizzy when she would sweat, her sportsmanship, her enthusiastic cheering at games, and the brightness she brought to all those around her. Sienna was goofy, smart, fun, caring, a hard worker, and a natural born leader. She loved her family above all else. They were her world and she was theirs.
We remember the families and loved ones of these three precious children of God and pray for them to be wrapped in God’s loving and comforting arms. Comments are closed.
September 2024